Call: +353 (0)1 525 9779

About us

Dr John Lambert (MD PhD, Consultant)

Dr Lambert is a consultant in Medicine and Infectious Diseases (MD PhD) at the Mater Public and Private Hospitals, Rotunda Hospitals, and teaches at the UCD School of Medicine and Medical Science. He qualified in New York State and was involved in evaluating and diagnosing many Lyme Disease patients. In addition, during his time at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, he was involved in the evaluation of a then soon to be licensed Lyme Vaccine and member of the Data Safety and Monitoring Board for this vaccine. During his 24 years as an infectious diseases consultant he has been diagnosing and treating Irish patients with Lyme infections contracted within Ireland and more commonly Irish patients who acquired these infections abroad.

IMC 147380

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Get In Touch

Please complete our enquiry form if you would like information on how to make an appointment to see Dr. Lambert and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Non-medical queries only on this enquiry form please.

Location & Contact

Address for Private Clinic:

The Catherine McAuley Educational & Research Centre,
Nelson Street (just off Eccles Street),
Dublin 7

General Queries:
+353 (0)1 525 9779
Office Hours 09:30 - 12:30 Hours Monday through Friday

+ 353 (0)1 556 3320